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ending the energy crisis: 9 Ideas for Creating Positive Energy

People who are happy—truly blissful even— radiate positive energy. They’re brighter. Shinier. Healthier.

They’ve learned to harness the power of the positive. They never let the downs get them down. Why? Because they’ve changed their self-narrative to embrace and attract positive energy while dispelling the negative.

Nobody wants to be stuck in a negative dialogue or be in a bad mood all day. Influences and experiences throughout our day can make us feel low and drain our energy supply.

So how do you amp up the positive energy?

We’ve put together a list of truly actionable tips for creating positive energy in your life.


1. Observe the Golden Rule.

Treat everyone the way you want to be treated. Harboring negative feelings toward someone binds you to the past—ruining your day and dragging down your mood.

2. Recognize what you can control. And, most importantly, what you can’t.

Attempting to control the un-uncontrollable creates stress—aka negative energy—and drains your positive energy. Oh! And, it doesn’t alter the outcome.

3. Get an extra dose of nature.

Color psychology associates green with balance and harmony—green is the color you see most in the environment.1 Take in the green. Whether it’s a walk in the park or your favorite plant in the house, appreciating nature brings peace to your soul.

4. Smile.

Palindromes are words that are spelled the same forward as they are backward. For example, mom, racecar, noon, and detartrated (we just had to flex our brain). Smiles work like a palindrome.2 You may experience a happy moment and then smile. Or, you might smile which will create a happier mood. Either way, you can’t lose really.

5. Focus on the things that make you happy.

Sounds simple, right? Place your priorities on the people, places, and events that make you the happiest. Laugh. Be creative in your work. Enjoy the little things.

6. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Learn to live in the moment by being conscious of your surroundings, thoughts and actions. After you’ve lived the moment, move on. It’s literally impossible to experience the draining energy of worry if you’re fully experiencing the present moment.3

7. Change your perspective.

The decision to view a situation differently can transform how you feel about it. Consider alternative views and try to see the positive.

8. Get your groove on.

Create a playlist of songs that have a positive effect on you. Rock out while you’re waking up or getting ready. You’ll literally shake off the draining energy from your body.4

9. Share experiences with others.

Social ties play a significant role in our well-being—when we’re happy, we’re projecting positive energy to those around us. And, in turn, we’re attracting positive energy our way.5

If you need an energy jump-start, Plexus EDGE™ energy supplement provides healthy, sustained energy. Its clinically-tested ingredients—like energy-boosting Theacrine, jitter-busting L-Theanine, and natural caffeine—help you stay energized and focused, enhances clearer thinking, and improve mood.*

Every thought you think. Every feeling you feel. Carry with them an energy. Shifting the undercurrent of how you’re responding to the ebbs and flows of life can create a happier—and healthier—life.


1 http://www.colorpsychology.org/green/

2 https://blog.bufferapp.com/the-science-of-smiling-a-guide-to-humans-most-powerful-gesture


4 http://pyrexjournals.org/pjpc/pdf/2016/september/Misra-and-Shastri.pdf

5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3455910/