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Beauty and Skincare

Better Skin in Minutes 5-Minute Morning Beauty Routine for Busy Women


There’s no need to sacrifice your beauty time! Self-care should always be a priority, but we get it. It is so hard to make time for yourself when you have active kids or a mile-long to-do list. That’s why you need this simple, 5-minute beauty routine to get your day started with a little bit of pampering and to set the tone for a better day.

5-Minute Beauty Routine to Defend Your Natural Glow

Step 1: Support your skin from within

Beauty really does start from the inside. Quick start your day with a collagen boost to support youthful, glowing skin. The Jōyome® Multi-Action Collagen Complex is a great way to get scientifically studied ingredients that support hydrated, smooth skin. Now, you can take just the Collagen Complex on its own, but if you really want to save time and get more nutrition and skin support, sprinkle in Slim Microbiome Activating or even mix it with your favorite Lean Protein as part of a healthy breakfast. Combining your supplements in the morning will help you save time and get everything you need in your wellness routine.*

Step 2: Cleanse for a clean slate

The next step in your skincare routine is cleansing your skin. Jōyome Revitalizing Daily Cleanser is the perfect way to prep your skin for a long, busy day. Cleansing the skin is a can’t-miss step because it removes impurities, oils, build up, and makeup that could lead to clogged pores, leaving a clean slate that allows the ingredients in your skincare products to work their magic.

The right cleanser can reduce moisture loss and prime your skin for the rest of the products in your skincare regimen. Making sure to take the extra minute to properly cleanse your skin in the morning will help you feel more refreshed and keep your skin looking better over time.

Step 3: Enhance your natural glow

Once your face is fully cleansed, it is time to apply your Jōyome Illuminating Day Serum. While your face is still slightly damp from cleansing, apply 2 pumps of the serum to your skin and gently pat the skin around your eyes. Your skin will absorb the hydrating benefits of the Illuminating Day Serum, giving you the wake-up you need to start your day. This serum also features a light-reflecting pigment to give your skin an extra radiant glow.

Step 4: Protect your skin

To finish off your quick skincare routine, do not forget to protect against sun damage. If you have a favorite moisturizer with added SPF, apply it to your face and neck to make sure you are fully protected from the harmful rays that could damage all the good work you just put into your skin. Wearing sunscreen is not just for those hot summer days. Keep your skin protected all year long.

Step 5: Hydrate to keep your glow

The final step of your routine is hydration! To keep your skin and your body feeling its best, make sure you stay hydrated. When you lack time, it is easy to forget to drink water. So, before you run out the door, quickly add your favorite Hydrate flavor to your bottle of water and take it with you. This will keep you hydrated better than water alone and will replenish your body with the electrolytes to feel your best throughout the day.

You deserve to feel your best, even on your busiest days. With only 5 minutes, you can start your day with some much-needed self-care that will help you feel great each day and will keep you feeling great and looking your best in the long run.

Beauty routines do not need to be complicated, with a seemingly endless list of steps and products. You can achieve the best results by using a simple routine of products that really work for your skin and by consuming quality ingredients that support your overall health from the inside out.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.