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get the stares 7 Easy Life Hacks for Toning Up

There you are. Standing at the elevator, sipping your Pink Drink. Your finger’s poised to push the “up” button.

Then…you hear it. The nagging voice in the back of your head. Reminding you to take the stairs.

Are the stairs really worth it? The effort it takes to turn around and take the stairs. After all, how much of a difference could that 60 seconds of sweat make?

Well, if you're looking to get healthy, tone up—and maybe even attract a few stares in the process—it’ll be worth it.

The sort of energizing, body-affirming lifestyle we love isn't made up of big, epic acts of fitness. It's made up of lots of small, everyday choices that leave you feeling fit, healthy, and totally in love with what your body is capable of.

And guess what? Taking the stairs isn't the only way to get there. Check out these other life hacks that can help you tone up and get healthy.

1. Watch TV

Yup, you read that right! There is a catch though. You’ve got to take away the easy chair or couch and replace it with an exercise bike or rowing machine. Then watch to your heart's content, as long as you're pedaling or rowing.

2. Human-powered errands

Errands aren't just chores for grown-ups--they're a golden opportunity to help meet your health goals.

You've heard the tip about parking as far as possible from the store to get in some extra steps. What if you ran as many errands as possible by walking or biking—like, sans car? If you ride the bus or train, walk one stop further before getting on or get off one stop early.

3. Bring (or make) friends

Join a group or club for people who are into the same healthy activities you are. Check your local events calendars, newspaper listings, or Meetup.com for people interested in hiking, Frisbee, biking, skiing, dancing—literally almost anything you please.

4. Walk it out

Walking is one of the healthiest things you can possibly do. It's easy on your body and it makes you feel great without stressing you out.

Sneak in a few extra steps at every opportunity. Long phone conversations are a perfect opportunity to go for a stroll. Feeling stuck on a problem at work or school, or just need a chance to de-stress and breathe deeply for a few minutes? Walk. Even if it means getting up from your desk and pacing back and forth across the office, or walking laps up and down the stairs at home—walk. It'll make you feel so much better.

5. Make it a game

There's a reason so many people love their Fitbits. They turn everyday life into a fitness-related game.

It's fun to watch yourself piling up points based on how many steps you've taken in a day. You don't have to run out and buy something to join in the fun. Check your app store. There are many excellent pedometer apps for your smartphone. Challenge your friends—see who gets more steps in during the week. Winner gets bragging rights.

6. Drink more water

Yup. Another reason to drink more water. Hydrating your body helps your heart pump blood more easily to your muscles. In turn, this helps your muscles work more efficiently, dissolving fat faster and resulting in a slimmer body shape.

To reap all the benefits of water, medical professionals suggest drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water daily. For example, a 137-pound adult should drink 68.5 ounces of water daily to remain healthy.

7. Chew, chew, chew

When your day’s busy and you’re feeling rushed, it’s easy to eat on the run—quickly slugging down a burger you bought from a drive-thru window. Once in a while, it’ll happen. Even then, it’s important to chew. Chewing slowly gives your body more time to register fullness—you’ll feel full before you’ve overeaten and feel stuffed.

Getting healthy and energizing your body doesn't have to involve things you dislike. Instead, find fun, consistent ways to sneak a little extra activity into the life you’re already enjoying.