Health Hacks

7 Ways to Track Your Progress: Noticing the Healthy You from Head to Toe

Being healthy isn’t about how your jeans fit, or the number you see on the scale–because, well—it’s only a number! Seriously, it’s not the whole kit and caboodle.

Yes, tracking digits can help monitor your progress, but there are so many other ways to make sure you’re still on track. To help you figure out if you’re headed in the right direction—we’ve developed seven different techniques to keep up-to-date on your progress—without ever stepping foot on the scale.

1. Strength and endurance

As you move closer towards your fitness goals, you’ll see your strength and endurance increasing. Start noticing the little things. Maybe the flight of stairs at work no longer leaves you out of breath. Or, maybe you’ve increased the weight of your dumbbells from five pounds to 10!

These improvements may seem small at first, but don’t count them out! They’re proof that what you’re doing is working!

2. Mobility

With increased strength and endurance comes better mobility. Are you feeling more flexible? Is sitting with your legs crossed more comfortable? Can you now bend down and touch your toes?

These little victories help improve your quality of life. So, don’t break a sweat if the scale hasn’t budged. You’re still killin’ it with your goals!

3. Decreased stress levels

Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress! It boosts endorphins–your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters. Plus, it’s a healthy way to release any pent-up anxiety.1

So, if you’ve been feeling a bit more “zen” lately.  Keep it up!

Pro Tip: Ninety percent of our body’s serotonin—a mood-boosting neurotransmitter—is produced in our gut.2 So, by showing your friendly gut microbes a little love with our probiotic , you’re helping to boost your mood and reduce feelings of stress.*

4. Better sleep

Burning off steam with exercise (even for as little as 10 minutes each day) can significantly improve your sleep quality—helping you feel refreshed and rested.3 And, since the majority of fat burning occurs while you’re sleeping, it’s a win/win situation!

5. Energy

Less stress, plus better sleep, equals—you guessed it—MORE energy! And, if you’re taking Plexus Edge® along for the ride, it can be the perfect feel-good recipe!

Those afternoon slumps will begin to fade, and you’ll have sustainable energy levels throughout the day.*

6. Overall health improvements

Exercise and a healthy diet can lead to other improvements you might not think about—like breathing easier and increased heart health.

7. You have “that glow”

When you’re healthy, you’re happy—and it shows on your face! You’re celebrating each victory as it happens, and you’re feeling the difference each action item makes.

So, shine on! Use the good feeling you get when you look in the mirror to fuel your momentum moving forward!

Bonus: Getting compliments!

This list wouldn’t be complete without the thing we all crave—compliments. Your weight loss journey is your own—so when people notice, it’s a total win.

Too often, we shrug off compliments without giving them much merit. Why? Don’t shy away from someone telling you how amazing you look, or complimenting how healthy your lunch looks. Instead, bask in those moments whenever they happen, and use them for more encouragement!

