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Family Health and Fitness Day: Celebrate Family Health and Fitness Day

Picture this: it’s a Saturday afternoon, and you’re at home with your family. You look around and see one kid vegging out in front of the TV, while the other is playing a game on the computer. You see your partner absentmindedly scrolling through social media on a tablet. And then, to your horror, you realize you’ve actually seen all this through your own phone’s camera, because you can’t bring yourself to put the dang thing down.

Okay, so that’s a little dramatic. But the cold, hard truth is this: many of today’s families are more focused on video games and television shows than they are on health and fitness. Our thumbs and eyeballs get all the exercise and attention these days. The rest of our bodies? Not so much.

If you’ve caught your family falling into the trap of neglecting healthy living, the last Saturday in September is for you. It’s recognized as Family Health and Fitness Day, and it’s the perfect chance to start your family on a new path toward a healthier, more active lifestyle!

The truth is, health and fitness can be a way of life for any family. Here, we’re giving you some good ideas not only for bigger or more elaborate family fitness activities, but also for small and simple things that you can incorporate into your everyday life. We’ll also talk about some general health tips, including family nutrition, that can help your family be strong and healthy every day of the year.


On the daily: incorporating health and fitness into your family’s daily routine

We might think that a fitness-centered family activity has to be a specially planned event, but day-to-day life offers us plenty of opportunities to incorporate fitness into our family routines. (Plus, most of our suggestions don’t cost a thing!)

  Sunny+Share WALKING  Family walks

Walk this way. One of the easiest ways to get your family active is to go on a walk together. It can be done virtually any time, in almost any weather (dress accordingly, of course), and with any number of people. Your whole family can walk to school in the morning if you live close by, or just to the bus stop to wish the school-aged kids off for the day. You could also take your walks later in the afternoon or into the evening, as a relaxing way to burn off some energy and wind down. Walk around the neighborhood, around a park, or even around a mall or shopping center. A fun addition to this might be to track the number of steps you take or the distance your family walks together.

Sunny+Share Biking Bike or scooter rides

If walking is a little too slow-paced, just add wheels! Family biking, scootering, or rollerblading is just as much of a workout, and might even be more fun. Just make sure your preferred mode of transportation is age-appropriate for your entire family. Add a baby seat, buggy, or stroller as needed, and let the good times roll.

Sunny+Share PingPong Games

No, we’re not talking Uno. Active games like tag, hide and seek, capture the flag, and more can be really fun for families. There are active games for virtually any age group, so find one that your family loves, and have fun with a little competition (we said a little, Dad).

Sunny+Share Dance Dance

Is leaving the house not an option? That’s no excuse for not sneaking in a little fitness time. All you need is some music and a floor (preferably a slick floor and some socks) and you’ve got the makings of an in-home dance party. Dance while you’re making dinner, getting ready for the day, cleaning up, or just bored. It’ll get everyone’s heart rate up, and put a smile on everyone’s face.

Sunny+Share Chores Chores

Who hasn’t worked up a sweat while cleaning a bathroom? Chores are not only a way for family members to contribute in the home, they can also add a little exercise to your day. Yard work, sweeping/mopping, picking up toys, washing windows, and more are chores that can double as a workout. Make a game out of it by setting a timer and seeing how fast the jobs can get done.

Sunny+Share JumpRope At-home workouts

You really don’t need a gym membership these days to get a good daily workout. Plenty of free videos are available online, and they can walk you through aerobics routines, yoga poses, or light weight training. Some of these videos are even geared towards kids, so your whole family can get in on the fun. Find a time that works for your family, and make your daily workout a group fitness activity. Looking for some workout inspiration? Check out our FitSquad on Facebook for fun ideas for the whole family.


Now and then: special fitness-centered activities for the family

While adding a little fitness to your daily life is great, you might also want to think about throwing some special activities or outings into the mix. These ideas may take a little planning, but the payoff—both in health benefits and time spent together as a family—makes it worth it.

Sunny+Share Camp Go camping

Camping is the quintessential active family outing, right? Many families live within easy driving distance of a campsite, making camping the perfect weekend or holiday getaway. Combine it with other great outdoor activities, like hiking, fishing, or canoeing, to create a family vacation that is as fitness-oriented as it is fun.

Sunny+Share Charity Participate in a charity race or fun run

If your entire family is up for a marathon or something similarly hardcore, more power to you. But if you need something a little more low key, do some digging to find local charity races or fun runs. You could support a good cause while getting your family out and exercising together. Bonus: you could even spend a few evenings a week “training” for your race, meaning you get multiple active days out of one event. Score!

Sunny+Share DumbBell Join a gym

No, a gym isn’t necessary for a healthy life. But hey, it doesn’t hurt, either. Many gyms offer youth programs and classes right along with the adult ones, making the gym a family-friendly environment that can provide hours of entertainment. Some gyms even have swimming pools or rock walls, adding to the family fun. Shop out gyms in your area to find a good fit for your family, and let the health and fitness begin.

Sunny+Share Outings Outings

Even going to the grocery store with kids in tow can be a workout, but when you’re trying to focus on family fitness, expand your horizons a bit. What about a family outing to the local pool or zoo? A trip to the lake is a fun option, especially if you have a way to include some water sports. Even a museum can add a lot of steps to your daily count, and we all know that every little bit helps. More activity-centric outings could include laser tag or mini golf—things that the whole family can enjoy that will get them moving and spending time together.


Tripping it up: centering family vacations around fitness

Family vacations don’t have to be about being lazy and doing nothing all day. There are plenty of ways to add some fitness-centered options to your next family trip.

Sunny+Share National Park Visit a national park

A visit to a national park will often include a good amount of hiking, or at least walking. And national parks often have guided tours that will help you learn a little bit along the way.

Sunny+Share Beach Hit the beach

A beach offers plenty of opportunities for physical activity. Whether you’re in the water (surfing, boogie boarding, swimming) or out of it (beach volleyball, frisbee toss, chasing a toddler), a beach is one vacation destination that will get the whole family moving without even trying.

Sunny+Share City Walk Walk around a city

No taxi needed. Any trip to a big city is going to include a lot of walking from place to place. Whenever possible, skip the taxi or public transportation and take in the sights along the way. You could even try a guided walking tour that will show you all the best sights in an area, while teaching you some interesting facts about the city.

Sunny+Share RV Family camp

A family camp is a great option for a family looking for an all-inclusive vacation that is fun for everyone. Family camps often include lodging, food, and entertainment. They usually offer plenty of sporting events and family games to give your entire family multiple days of outdoor fun, maybe with a s’more or two thrown into the mix.


All day, every day: best practices for general health

A healthy family lifestyle isn’t just about exercise and fitness; it’s also about teaching your family to care for their bodies by developing healthy habits.

Sunny+Share Doctor Regular doctor visits

Schedule regular checkups for your kids and yourself. This shows your family that health is a priority, and it will help you be aware of any conditions that need your attention.

Sunny+Share Wash Hands Hand washing

It’s the oldest health advice in the book, for good reason. Handwashing is the best way to prevent the spread of germs and illnesses.1 Teaching your family good handwashing practices, and enforcing them in your home, will keep everyone in your home healthier.

Sunny+Share Screen TIme Limited screen time

We get it: keeping your own screen time to a minimum is hard, let alone trying to limit your kids. But the less screen time we have in our families, the more likely we are to participate in other activities, like exercise, socializing (you know, face-to-face talking to people) and reading.

Sunny+Share Calendar Scheduled activity times

Scheduling time for your family to be active together is one way to make sure it actually happens. Don’t “someday” your way into “never.” Try taking a walk every night right after dinner, for example, or hitting the local pool every Saturday during the summer. Creating a routine will make fitness a natural part of your life, rather than an occasional chore.


Eating up: good nutrition for good health

Perhaps even more important than what we do with our bodies is what we put in them. If you want your family to be more focused on health and fitness, you’ll need to learn how to fuel their bodies in a healthy way. Here are some things to keep in mind.

Sunny+Share Balance A well-balanced diet

No, that doesn’t mean a cookie in each hand. A well-balanced diet includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods, including proteins (meats, eggs, beans, soy products, nuts, and seeds), fruits (not fruit juice), vegetables (canned and frozen are fine, but watch the sodium), grains (limit refined grains like white bread, pasta, and rice), and dairy (milk, yogurt, and cheese).2

Sunny+Share Ice Cream Limit the junk

Added sugar, saturated fats, and processed foods should be limited for better nutrition. Learn to read labels and identify hidden, unhealthy ingredients.

Sunny+Share Chef Hat Let kids help prepare the food.

Kids are more likely to eat healthy food if they’ve played some role in choosing or preparing it. Let kids grocery shop with you. Teach them how to read food labels and select healthier options. Teach them what good produce looks like and encourage them to pick it out themselves. When it’s time to cook, let kids help measure, stir, pour, and chop (if age appropriate). You can even have kids help create the weekly menu, and teach them how to add healthy additions to their favorite meals.

Sunny+Share Gut Don’t forget the gut

Gut health is getting a little more attention these days. That’s probably because we are learning more and more about the gut’s connection to the body’s overall health. Probiotics, prebiotics, and polyphenols can contribute to gut health and make your whole family healthier.

Sunny+Share Puzzle Pieces Fill in the gaps

Even with healthy eating, it’s hard to give your family members all the nutrition their bodies need. That’s why a great multivitamin can be a critical part of your family’s nutrition plan. For our younger family members, XFactor KidsTM  gives kids a multivitamin and probiotic in one tasty chewable, to support healthy growth, digestive health, eye and teeth health, healthy brain function, and more. For grownups, Plexus XFactor PlusTM delivers bioactive and bioavailable ingredients, with 100% or more of the daily recommended value of 19 essential vitamins and minerals. And with gut-friendly polyphenols, it can help boost your energy and improve your mood, while also contributing to your physical health. Together, these two products offer the entire family the additional support needed for more complete nutrition.*


Family Health and Fitness Day only rolls around once a year, but by keeping these tips in mind, health and fitness can be a part of your family’s life, year-round.



  1. https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/why-handwashing.html
  2. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/childrens-health/in-depth/nutrition-for-kids/art-20049335
  3. https://www.parents.com/fun/sports/exercise/10-ways-to-exercise-as-a-family/
  4. https://www.choosemyplate.gov/ten-tips-be-an-active-family
  5. https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/ideas-active-family-fun#2
  6. https://www.baby-chick.com/staying-active-with-your-family/


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The results of an in vitro human gut simulator study suggest that the polyphenol blend in Xfactor Plus may have several beneficial effects. Further research, including research conducted in humans, is needed to confirm these preliminary findings.