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need energy? 6 Ways to Boost Mental Energy

Want more focus, willpower, motivation, and happiness? Yes!

How are you going to get it? Power up your mental energy!

Mental energy plays a huge role in how confident and happy we feel, as well as in our physical energy levels. Nearly one-third adults say they don’t have enough energy to perform daily tasks and 53 percent of adults report feeling sluggish during the day. If you’re feeling exhausted, discouraged, and overwhelmed, it’s time to take a break and consider these following ideas to get your mental energy back in gear.

Mental energy is easily boosted with a few simple techniques for improving productivity and getting your creative juices flowing.

1. Get classy with music

Who doesn’t need a little more Vivaldi in their life?

If you want to boost mental energy, turn on classical music. Music relaxes your mind, allowing you to stay on top of your game while influencing your emotions and uplifting your mood.

If you’re feeling low, turn on an uplifting song. Or, take a break with a hip hop, jazzy tune that inspires you to dance like no one is watching.

2. Allow for brief interruptions


It’s okay—and actually imperative—to switch gears. Changes in focus increase your mental energy.

Our brains aren’t built to focus on one process for hours on end. As a result, when tasks become mundane or your working on the same project for several hours, our productivity levels decrease.

Brief interruptions from a project or task have a huge impact on increased alertness. A study in the peer-reviewed journal, Cognition1, found that when we focus on a task for extended periods of time, our attention to the task lessens as your brain gets used to constantly thinking about it. A similar example is found in how the brain gets used to sensing the feel of clothing on the skin. It becomes second nature to feel this sensation, so the brain forgets about it.

3. Look on the bright side

You strengthen your mental energy when you look on the bright side. We drain our mental energy when we let stress and negative circumstances take over our thoughts. Spending brainpower focused on the things we can’t change, or allowing a negative conversation or bad decision to throw off our focus, can quickly destroy mental energy.

Instead, focus on the positive. Write down what you are grateful for on a daily basis and put it in a place where you can easily be reminded of those positive things. For example, keep photos of family and friends around you to spark the same happy feelings you experience when you’re with them.

4. Evaluate your core beliefs

You’re more powerful than you think. We’re typically hardest on ourselves and expect perfection. Realizing that our human mistakes and fails make us stronger boosts our resilience and mental energy—keeping us moving forward.

Believe in yourself and cultivate your dreams. Doing so will encourage positive thinking and stimulate constructive mental energy.

5. Throw out clutter

Mental clutter collects quickly. Never-ending list of tasks, projects, and to-do’s are exhausting.

It’s time to toss them out. Instead of storing that list in your brain, write it down, set reminders, and delegate to avoid an information overload.

It’s also helpful to get rid of the clutter around you. Are you surrounded by stacks of papers at the office? Or piles of laundry at home? Cleaning out the space around you helps your mind feel clear, creative, and energized.

6. Reach for an energy supplement

Plexus Edge provides healthy, sustained energy and increased mental focus. Its three key ingredients get to work fast, giving you energy, sharpening your thinking, enhancing your focus, and improving your mood so you can power through your day.*

Go get ‘em, tiger!

We all reach a mental lull that lowers our motivation to move forward with confidence. With greater resolve to boost your mental energy, you’re ready to spark your inner strength and power through the day. You just may find that your positive, enlightened energy will liven up the mental energy of those around you too.




1 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010027710002994

2 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19390211.2016.1178678

3 http://pyrexjournals.org/pjpc/pdf/2016/september/Misra-and-Shastri.pdf