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playing the game: Brain Games: Why You Should Exercise Your Brain

Exercising your body is totally key when becoming your most vibrant and healthy self. But did you know that exercising your mind with brain games can be just as important?

Regularly indulging in mind exercises—like solving crosswords and working out Sudoku puzzles—provides a workout for your brain that helps keep it in tip-top shape. Plus, solving puzzles is a lot of fun!

Protect your brain from damaging toxins

Engaging in activities that stimulate the mind, including solving puzzles, may prevent the toxic protein beta-amyloid from accumulating in your brain.1 The more healthy brain activities you do, the better. People who do the most mental exercise have brains that are the most protected from the unhealthy proteins.2

Sharpen your memory

Stress makes us forget. When you’re chronically stressed, your body produces cortisol, the hormone that helps you to quickly respond to a stressor—also a common culprit of stubborn belly fat, but we digress. Over time, high levels of cortisol can wear away the parts of your brain that store short-term memories.3

Solving puzzles engages your mind—leaving you little opportunity to focus on worry. A less stressed brain means less cortisol.3 And less cortisol? You got it! Fewer chances of forgetting where you left your keys.

Improve your concentration

Solving puzzles, especially hard ones, helps you concentrate. Brain imaging studies show that doing mentally challenging tasks stimulates the parts of your brain that govern concentration and reasoning.3 When our thoughts are scattered, puzzles can provide a natural way to calm and re-center our minds.

Enjoy the brain-boosting effects of puzzle solving at any age!

People who take on mental challenges when they’re young or middle-aged get the most brain protection.2

But, don’t count seniors out! Older adults who spend time doing mind-stimulating activities can have brains like those of adults in their 20s and 30s.1 And, older adults who challenge their minds enjoy brain-enhancing effects that can last as long as 10 years.5

Puzzles, board or card games, and apps can stimulate your brain, helping to keep it sharp. What are some of your favorites?



1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3747737/

2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4417099/

3 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/06/140617210118.htm

4 http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/v12/n1/abs/nn.2242.html

5 https://www.nia.nih.gov/newsroom/2014/01/cognitive-training-shows-staying-power