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girl power: Lessons for Crushing It in the Business World and Beyond


A message to future girl bosses everywhere...

You are a powerful woman. One who’ll relay inspirational messages to everyone everywhere. One who’ll one day leave a legacy.

Whether your empowerment leads you to a corporate setting, the entrepreneur lifestyle, or something else—keep these lessons in mind as you transform into the powerhouse boss you’re destined to one day become.

It's okay to not know everything

You know so much, it’s what led you to where you are today. So, keep in mind—there’s going to be days that aren’t going to go your way, and you might not know what to do in certain situations.

When this scenario pops up, you might be tempted to act like you have all the answers, even when you don't

To become a successful leader, know that it's much better to ask for help when you need it. After all, no one knows everything about every situation, and that's okay! Be real, show others you aren't perfect, and you’re willing to learn. Then, reach out and learn from others. This is a huge aspect of being a good leader. People will respect you for asking for help and will better identify with you on a personal level.

Think about how good it makes you feel when someone asks you for help. You suddenly see yourself as part of the team instead of being bossed around. The slight shift in leadership style will pay significant dividends when it comes to being a good boss.

Share your accomplishments with others through mentorship

As you work your way up the corporate ladder and find success in your field, it's important to remember how difficult your climb to the top was. No one gets to the top without a few setbacks or without learning a few behind the scenes trial-and-error-type secrets to success. It's important to remember where you came from and what you’re willing to give back to others through mentorship. This will encourage you to keep up the good work you started when you set out to become the boss.

Help employees advance

Speaking of using your role for the good of others...it's important for you to help advance your employees careers as well—especially when you’re the boss. If an employee came up with a great way to save some time on a project, be sure to drop their name when explaining how you were able to finish your project earlier than expected.

Make sure each of your employee's achievements are consistently acknowledged. This, in turn—will make your employee fiercely loyal to you. There is, after all, no happier employee than one who knows they’re appreciated.

Make yourself available for employees

Availability will likely be a challenge when you become top dog. This is completely understandable. Your daily tasks of overseeing things and continuing to produce can lead to some time constraints. Be sure to leave time for your employees. Even with all you do and all you oversee, make sure you remain available for those who work for you and not solely for work stuff, but for relational issues as well.

This is important because availability and an ability to relate with and understand employees is an important trait of any good boss, no matter their gender.

Keep a good, positive attitude, no matter what

Through the monotony of the day-to-day, and the disappointments you’ll inevitably face on your way to the top—it can be easy to lose your positive outlook. Remember, what you speak about, you bring about. Keep this in mind the next time your attitude gets sideways. Don't wake up each morning, thinking, "why haven't I made it yet?" or "I’m never going to achieve my goals." Beating yourself up is no way to achieve success. Instead, look forward to where you‘ll one day be and check your attitude before you allow it to discourage your efforts.

Going forward includes steps in a different direction

Your road to the top won’t always be one steady climb. You might instead take two steps forward and one step back. Or simply zig-zag around for a bit. Keep in mind, you can't ruin your career by making one error.

This is a common misconception, especially for women. If you make a mistake, learn from it and move on. Keep working hard and keep on keeping on. Remember the passion you have because life will always have its ups and downs. This is how true success works and it's okay to experience sets backs. Embrace them!

Own your journey

Each woman's journey to leadership looks slightly different. Your road to the top will vary either slightly or dramatically from others who have gone before. To determine if you’re on the right path, ask yourself the following:

  • Am I making progress toward my goals today?
  • How am I making this progress?
  • Can I see discernible growth from this time last year?
  • Am I feeling empowered in what I’m doing?
  • Am I living the values and morals I’ve set for myself?

Your answers to these questions will help you determine if you’re on the right path. Whether or not you meet your goal is all up to you. We for one, know you’ll achieve your goals and become a future girl boss that you’re destined to be. For all the future girl bosses of the world—you rock! Now, go make your dreams come true!