Trust Your Gut

gut check: Gut Check: The Macro Benefits of a Healthy Microbiome

We recognize the power of our gut when we say things like: Listen to your gut instincts. Go with your gut. Feel it in your gut.

The truth is…

The benefits of a healthy gut extend far beyond just an effective digestive tract.

Healthy immune system

Seventy percent of your body’s immune cells live in your gut. 1, 2 A healthy gut can help to improve your overall health by leaps and bounds.3

Improved mood

A healthy human microbiome consists of 10-100 trillion microorganisms.4 Some of these bacteria are known for secreting serotonin3—the feel good chemical.5

Just how much serotonin is produced in your gut? A whopping 90 percent of your body’s mood-boosting serotonin is produced in your gut.

Weight management

Regular consumption of probiotics contributes to healthy weight management.

The microbes in our gut produce even smaller molecules that are then sent to our blood. These smaller molecules boost the metabolism. And, the effect of isn’t minuscule; females using probiotics during a study lost 4 pounds more during a 12-week period.6

Overall health

One of the most popular “good” bacterium, lactobacillus, helps the body to maintain overall good health.

In addition to regulating the digestive tract, lactobacillus also produces lactase and vitamin K, both of which are necessary to maintain good health.7

Reduced stomach discomfort

Due to poor diets and misinformation about proper gut health, it’s no wonder that stomach discomfort is rampant in North America.

Nearly 60 percent of people in North America suffer from dysbiosis, an imbalance of the gut flora. An overgrowth of the “bad” bacteria can lead to an unhappy tummy.8

Reduced stress levels

Unfortunately, experiencing stress at some point in your life is unavoidable; however, from yoga to yogurt, there are many ways to help reduce stress.

Studies on mice continue to demonstrate that a healthy gut teeming with good bacteria tends to produce less stressed mice.7

Grab that yogurt and de-stress!

Improved mood

A healthy microbiome is linked to a sharper mind and improved mood.

The microbes produce hundreds of neurochemicals; these neurochemicals are then used by the brain to regulate mental functions such as learning and memory.9

Age better

Because frailty is so prevalent in aging populations, many people seek for options to hold on to their youthful strength.

Voice of warning

Our immune system is always on alert, always ready to fight any intruders.

Again, the majority of the body’s immune cells are housed in the gut, which makes a healthy gut the perfect line of defense against toxins and “bad” bacteria.

The microbes in our intestines do this by sending out signals to the rest of the body to fight the intruders.

Bottom line is…In the spirit of good health, give yourself a gut check and experience all the benefits of a healthy microbiome; your trillions of microbes will thank you.

The benefits of a healthy microbiome extend far beyond an effective digestive tract. In the spirit of good health, give yourself a gut check and experience all the benefits of a healthy microbiome.

